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BK531 Буклет "Silver Bells Christmas" Stoney Creek

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Stoney Creek
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2020 Christmas Plate stitch count 105w x 105h, approximately 7.5" x 7.5" on 14ct.

Joy & Peace Stocking stitch count 152w x 243h, approximately 10.75" x 17.25" on 14ct.

Rejoice & Sing stitch count 133w x 105h, approximately 9.5" x 7.5" on 14ct.

Models are stitched on 28ct vintage smokey white Cashel linen over 2 threads using DMC threads. 

2020 Christmas Plate is embellished (optional) with Mill Hill 02049 rich red antique seed beads. It is also adorned with an optional two tone holly button and 3 extra small angel stars.

Joy & Peace Stocking is embellished (optional) with Mill Hill 02049 rich red antique seed beads and SJ Designs 2mm gold faux pearls. It is also adorned with an optional two tone holly button, 1 small metallic red heart, 2 small angel stars and 3 extra small angel stars. 

Rejoice & Sing is embellished (optional) with Mill Hill 02049 rich red antique seed beads. It is also adorned with an optional small angel star and 4 extra small angel stars.

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